
General Commission of Development and Real Estate Investment


General Commission of Development and Real Estate Investment


General Commission of Development and Real Estate Investment


It is general commission that hast Administrative type , legal character , financial and administrative independence is called general commission of development and real estate investment.
It relates to minister of housing and constructive development Its center is Damascus may establish branches for it in governorates .

Creating and developing integrated constructive communities enable its inhabitants to enjoy with better level of living .

Choosing the most suitable location to establish real estate development zones and handle randomized settlement regions to rise levels of social and living conditions ,encourage investors to contribute in real estate development and reconstruction

Regulation activity of real estate development , participation in execution urban development polices land directive regional planning .
promote role of the national private sector and foreign , Arabic and local investment in the building and construction process with a view to contribute to the following .
construct integrate residential cities and suburbs.
provide the required lands prepared for construction construct of specialized and cognitive services areas .
Development and rehabilitation of a residential area in the list of organization plans .
Handle randomized settlement regions according to the concept of sustainable urban development .



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- License real estate development companies.
- Establishing real estate development areas.

A - The benefits given to the real estate developer:
- The temporary admission during the entire period of the completion of the project for all its need of machines and mechanisms, devices, equipment, vehicles and equipment required to implement the project with the possibility of a replacement operations for it.
- Importing all of the construction materials and works equipment required to implement of licensed projects without being bound by the provisions of the stop, prohibition or restriction of import and the system of direct import from the country of origin.
- Opening an account in foreign banks operating in the Syrian Arab Republic banks in accordance with the cutting systems for the benefit of the licensed project.
- The usage of funds from foreign exchange in financing the licensed project or contributing in its money or buying its shares.
- Taking a loan for the licensed project from the operating banks in the Syrian Arab Republic guarantee their own funds.

B - Tax incentives.
Regulated by Legislative Decree No. / 51 / for 2006 tax in Syria in accordance with the principle of ascending gradually and reaches the maximum tax rate for individuals or companies to 28% on clear profits and the real estate projects subjects to the principle of dynamic decisiveness, as for shareholding companies that announce their shares for public subscription by at least 50% their tax rate is / 14% /, the projects covered by the investment promotion laws (including real estate development and investment No. / 15 / for the year 2008 Act) its higher tax rate is (22%) and this rate is reduced according to an encouraging basis for the achievement of the project.
