Real Estate Devlopment



Established Decision No : 5860
Estab Lished Date : 29/4/2012

Location: It is about 18- 20 Km from Damascus and 5 Km from M’nin village - Western Northen It is characterized of acute slope and is formed from Calcareous rocky layers.
Area: 97.9 Hectares
Population: 19975 people
Number of the proposed housing units: 3995 units
Administrative subordination: Damascus Suburb Governorate Purpose of the project: It aims to build a residential area: Villas , terraces, popular houses ( Multi –storey and towers) with all relative social, economic, sport and educational services.
Real Estates:
They are outside the prohibition areas and sanctities and outside the touristic areas and regulatory area.
The real estates are free from all works, obstacles and military occupancies.
The road connection: Availability of road connections and sources of water and electricity.
